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The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett (with spoilers!)

I’m calling a near-miss on this one.

I’m glad that I read it (hooked by the start, lost interest in the middle, re-enrolled near the end)… However, I remain unconvinced.

TOO many coincidences. (Jude’s encountering Kennedy…whaaaat?). TOO many unlikelihoods. (Transgender was a thing, mid-twentieth century? … really?)

Nor could I imagine how the passive, undemanding Stella suddenly found the nerve to risk everything – and, decades ago, it would have been everything – by choosing to impersonate a White person. Or how Desiree – so much more the bolder – so comprehensively lost her nerve, returning to Mallard and to waitressing forevermore.

Admittedly, both twins had witnessed the horrific racist murder of their father: an almost unimaginably traumatising event. But to expect us to believe, after the rebellious Desiree’s being the one to insist that her twin Stella escape with her to the big city, that she would rush back herself to the small town she loathed – and remain – while the stolid Stella supposedly found sufficient nerve to impersonate a White person… It just failed to make sense. Would have been a much better book had the twins switched fates, imho.

Having involved us in the twins – with some excellent writing, no question – the author summarily dumps Desiree and her much-missed twin in favour of their daughters. Jude was believable… but Kennedy never was. I almost DNF (did not finish) at this point, with the coincidences and the jolt of losing sight of the main characters, but the end of the book provided some sense of closure.

In fact, I’m very glad I read it, thanks to its eye-opening perspectives about racism and race generally. I even believe it to be an important book but – especially for a writer of Bennett’s ability – still a near-miss.

Review of Maggie O’Farrell’s Instructions for a Heatwave

First, am a massive fan of O’Farrell (Hamnet is why!!!) so I was thrilled when one of my book clubs chose another of hers.

I didn’t like the title – to me, it reeked of O’Farrell coming up empty – “finding titles” ought to be a circle of Dante’s hell – and some young publishing assistant thinking it sounded up-to-date. However, it started promisingly and I love books about unravelling families (see Anne Tyler, also Kingsolver). Also, though not remotely Irish – the name is my husband’s – I worked for two years in the Ulster Orchestra and have a particular affection for Irishness generally.

As mentioned, the book begins promisingly – O’Farrell’s prose as crisp as I’d remembered – but, in the end, the book was a failure. I’m now pretty sure that what we call in tennis “scoreboard pressure” is the reason. Meaning: back when I had a starry literary agent and a posh publisher, I got no peace from either. It was all, “What are you writing now?” and “How’s it going?” and “What’s next?” and, in the end, the pressure was too much for me and my (then untreated) ADHD.

In other words, there are books that one has to write – that one burns to write – and books that one is cajoled/bullied into writing and I’m certain that Hamnet was one of the former and Instructions for a Heatwave one of the latter.

I still like O’Farrell’s writing – there are tiny gems strewn here and there – Gretta is hilarious – and I loved Aoife. However, her disability felt as contrived as her father’s situation, the plotting was poorly-paced, and the end was facile, with almost every reconciliation feeling forced. In short, I am pretty sure she was impelled forward by being obliged to write another book (“or else your readers will buzz off and prize committees forget you and your advances go down instead of up” etc. etc.)

But have I given up on O’Farrell? No way. In fact, have just bought The Marriage Portrait. More once I’ve finished it!  Alice

Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad reviews — and what to do about them

You can read this article on medium at the link below…

’Twas the Last Gig Before Christmas…

Read Alice’s article at Medium using the link below.

Salt Lick by Lulu Allison


This is a deceptively brilliant, beautifully written, book… Have only just finished it, but I’m sure I’m going to re-read it, if only to relish its wonderful prose.

This is a subtle, not “in-your-face” book. Characters are challenged, change, and grow. But, even in this version of our own, possibly dystopian, future, there is generally an inner core of human decency and hope.

Allison’s prose is almost unnervingly brilliant. But that’s not all. She has also created a terrifyingly believable dystopian Britain – a Britain so real and grainy that you can almost feel the rough tongues of its cows on the back of your hands – and smell the dusty grime of the (half-deserted) Colchester.

She’s also created characters that pull you into caring about them – complicated people facing complicated choices in a world which no longer feels entirely real. (Such as Isolde, who tracks down the prisoner who killed her mother, only to discover disquieting truths about her family.) The cities are scary but the countryside almost as terrifying. To own a car is prohibitively expensive. In some places gays are – literally – branded. The “25” recollects the M25 motorway, since gone to seed. The shoots of hope are what keeps the reader glued.

A ancient Greek-style chorus occasionally commentates. Some readers, both here and elsewhere, are not mega-keen on this. It reminded me – though very much shorter, and very much better – of those poems (by Bilbo) that occasionally interrupt Tolkien’s immortal LORD OF THE RINGS.

Here’s where I am with it: If it lights your fire, read it. If it doesn’t, just skip the poems, and plow straight on, which is what I always do, with LOTR. Some amazing readers are simply resistant to poetry, and that’s OK.

A sample:

The land creeps in on slow and shallow waves

We follow,
a flotilla

Once the land has pulled the towns under

Sorry, and only my opinion, of course – but… this is excellent poetry. Tolkien’s… not so much.

My advice? Buy it.

Author Guest Post with Spaulding Taylor, Last Star Standing

You can read the original interview by visiting the link below.

The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins

T. S. Eliot called it, ‘the first, the longest, and the best of modern English detective novels’ – and I string along with T.S., here.

Often described as the earliest-ever detective mystery, the plot hinges around the theft of a flawed-but-famous Indian diamond by the Verinder family’s wicked uncle. He bequeaths it – basically, as a curse, for it ruined his own life – to his innocent niece, Rachel, as a method of revenging himself on his estranged sister. On the day of her receiving it… it disappears.

This is a tough book to review without giving away the plot, but the diamond’s allure has the effect of estranging practically everybody, including the volatile but charming Rachel and her ardent lover Mr Franklin. Other characters of note include a well-born male charlatan (preying on society do-gooders) and a do-gooder of elephantine self-importance (Miss Clack). There’s also Gabriel Betteridge, the elderly and devoted family steward, an apothecary with a tragic secret, and a passionate parlourmaid. Also memorable is the book’s mournful and curmudgeonly detective, Sergeant Cuff, with his unlikely passion for roses.

A bit reminiscent of Upstairs/Downstairs, of course and – necessarily – dated. And so… why do I love it?

I love Collins’ over-the-top narrators, for a start. The book has several. These include the self-deceived Miss Clack, busily strewing godly pamphlets around London, the worthy Betteridge – along with his pert daughter – the insightful apothecary and Mr Franklin, who is, in some ways, the hero. Their individual ‘voices’ are wonderfully and often hilariously well-rendered.

I also love Collins’ convoluted yet rhythmical style – and his sly asides. I love the respectful, liberal mind-set of an author who doesn’t patronise, not only the Victorian lower orders, but Indians and colonials either. I also love the pacing and the timing – the understated end is masterful.

 In short, it’s a book that repays inspection on style grounds alone, but – have to be honest – it’s the sheer entertainment value that draws me back. Like Dickens or Austen or P.G. Wodehouse, even when you not only know how it ends – even when you could describe every twist and every turn of the plot, it’s like revisiting an old friend – and remembering what you always loved about them.


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